Why Values Are Everything

Posted on in Podcast by Dr. Graham Norton


Way too many people are unhappy – living by other people’s standards, doing things that they don’t want to do, and not feeling fulfilled in the areas that matter most.

How can you be yourself if you don’t know yourself?

Determining your values is one of the most powerful exercises you can do.

On this episode we discuss what the definition of a value is, what happens to different areas of your life when you live incongruently with your values, and how to actually determine what your values are.

This episode sets the foundation for the guests we are having on the next few episodes. Make sure to listen in!

Stuff From This Episode

Do the free Values Determination Exercise on Dr. John Demartini’s website

Check out It’s Ok To Be Awesome – they’re also on FB

Robin Sharma’s book The Leader Who Had No Title

Stay tuned for our special guests in the coming weeks – Janelle Fraser and Anne Lebans!

Hi! I'm Dr. Graham and I am passionate about delivering the most comprehensive and results driven spine care available. I love working with people who want to make a real and lasting difference in their health. I love travelling locally, outdoor activities like road biking and skate skiing, good coffee, and my family (Dr. Marie, and our two wonderful daughters Zoey & Eloise).