Inner Child Work

Posted on in For Moms, Mindset by Stephanie Coady

fredericton therapist

Inner Child Work is something I talk with a lot of folks about in my space. Becoming a mom has in some ways been a battle of trying to be more “present” with my son, with the never-ending list of things to do, clean, pick-up, work, appointments, clean again – the list goes on.

The other side of the battle of being present is allowing my inner child to come out when we are playing. This weekend, I set aside the list of things to do and listened to my inner child just as much as my son. She (my inner child) needed fun, she needed to be “free”, and she needed me to connect with her.

So, off we went to my old elementary school stomping grounds, where I felt like she could shine (and my son too)!

I swung on the swings while my son went up and down the play structure. Allowing my inner child to see where I am at now was a really beautiful moment – one that brought tears to my eyes that I acknowledged to be both happy and sad in their own ways – without judgement.

It was a beautiful reminder that being more present with my son allowed me to be more present with myself. And in those moments, I felt my inner child smiling and healing in her own ways too.


fredericton therapist

I’m Stephanie Coady (she/her/hers), a Licensed Counselling Therapist-Candidate (LCT-C) with the College of Counselling Therapists of New Brunswick (CCTNB) and a Canadian Certified Counsellor (C.C.C) with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). I’m a lifelong Frederictonian; completing my Bachelor of Arts at the University of New Brunswick and my Masters of Education at the University of New Brunswick in Counselling Psychology.