How to Hydrate

Did you know that even mild dehydration can you give that “brain fog” you may often feel? Being dehydrated could be affecting your physical performance, ability to think and focus, digestion, bowel movements, mood, and tissue stiffness.
Water makes up 60-80% of our cells and tissues (I’m sure you’ve heard this before!). This means proper hydration is vital to the health of every cell in your body.
One of the common things I hear from people is that if they drink more water they just end up needing to go to the bathroom so often. The rate of fluid consumption (how quickly you drink… i.e. chugging over sipping) impacts your need to urinate. So, if you find drinking more water just makes you pee too often, try sipping slowly and consistently throughout the day vs chugging larger amounts less frequently. By adding electrolytes like LMNT or even just some sea salt or himalayan salt to your water can offset the need to urinate so frequently by improving the uptake of water into your cells.
Use a 2:1 rule when consuming caffeine due to its diuretic effect. For example, if you have an 8 oz coffee, drink 16 oz of water, ideally with electrolytes or a pinch of sea salt to offset the dehydration.
Remember this tip – if you’re experiencing thirst, you’re already dehydrated! Stay on top of drinking water before you feel the sensation of being really thirsty.
If you want to dive deeper into the specifics of hydration, the Huberman Lab has tonnes of science backed info from experts in the field.