Boost Your Energy: 4 Life Changing Habits

Posted on in Healthy Lifestyle by Dr. Carly Monge

fredericton chiropractor

Being tired is NOT a result of getting older. It is a direct product of what we consume, our movement habits and our environment. It is common, not normal, to have no energy on a regular basis. Here are some ways to change that from a cellular basis (because that’s how energy is created, in our cells!)

  1. Get outside everyday: Our cells get instructions from sunlight – we aren’t meant to be in artificial light all the time. When we regularly get outside, our circadian rhythm is regulated which translates into deeper, more restful sleep. Our bodies then have time to properly recover from the day. Quality sleep and enough sleep have an endless list of benefits including improved cognitive skills, blood sugar regulation and immune function.
  2. Eliminate these 3 things from your diet:
    – refined industrial seed oils (vegetable oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil).
    – refined added sugars – look at labels for added sugars in the ingredients
    – refined grains – anything that has been ultra-processed, like white flour.
  3.  Build your meals using the Fab 4 concept: Fill your plate with fat, fibre, protein and greens. Some foods cover two of these! For example, a handful of spinach is a source of greens and fibre, and eggs are a
    source of protein and fat.

  4. Move throughout your day: Getting a formal workout in is great (eg. an hour at the gym or a spin class)   but it’s actually more beneficial to your cellular health to move throughout the day. Here are some ideas:
      1. Walking pad under your desk
      2. Doing 10 squats every hour
      3. Short walking breaks
      4. Make social outings that are active – meet a friend for a hike instead of sitting at a cafe.

Low energy should be a warning bell that your body and cells are performing sub-optimally. Energy is a sign of health!

Hi! I’m Dr. Carly and I love to help people with movement, health and lifestyle. I am passionate about the human body and enjoy helping people of all ages and activity levels.