Rest is Ok – 3 Ways To Incorporate True Rest This Winter

Posted on in Healthy Lifestyle by Dr. Carly Monge

Winter solstice has come and gone! If you are like me, you noted the shortest day of the year (Dec 21, 2023) and are happy that longer, sunnier days are ahead of us.

It can be easy to try to wish away the winter with our sights set on summer. I am a proponent of taking something good out of every circumstance we are in. What do dark, cold days have to offer? REST. It’s nature’s way of telling us that we can slow down, cozy up, and go to sleep early.

Humans actually need more and deeper sleep in winter. We need 1-2 more hours of sleep in the winter versus the summer, and REM sleep is about 30 minutes longer. Allowing our bodies to rest more can help us to combat those winter blues too!

It is also a good time for reflection, listening and inner growth. Think of being that caterpillar in the cocoon. This stage is required to blossom into a beautiful butterfly. Rest helps us to prepare for the time ahead and hone our focus. Emotional rest allows us to become more adaptable, flexible and resilient for future struggles.

Some cultures even have terms to embody this – “hygge” is a Danish term that doesn’t have a direct translation, but relates to a feeling of coziness, contentment and well being. People who live in this part of the world embrace winter, change their pace of life, and use it as a time to prepare for Spring.

How can you incorporate true rest this winter?

  1. Simply get under a blanket on your couch and read a book or take a nap. This doesn’t include using devices (TV, phone, etc).
  2. Connect with your loved ones (friends, family, pets). Fill up your cup with snuggles or meaningful conversation.
  3. Go to bed early. Note when the sun is setting and try to be aware of that during your evening wind down.

This is your sign to rebel from grind culture and set aside some dedicated rest time! Let’s get ready for a great spring and summer together 🙂

Dr. Carly

Hi! I’m Dr. Carly and I love to help people with movement, health and lifestyle. I am passionate about the human body and enjoy helping people of all ages and activity levels.