Why Being A Mom In 2019 Is So Hard

Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday and so we decided to dedicate an episode to MOMS!
No doubt about it, motherhood is beautiful. Growing a human being, birthing them into the world, and raising them to be adults is a privilege and an amazing opportunity to learn so much about ourselves too.
Motherhood is also one of the hardest jobs in the world (and I’m only 3 and a half years into it!)
I know I’m not alone in feeling this way. Rather than just sharing my own challenges and what I have felt to be the hardest parts, I wanted to gather responses from a bunch of mothers that I could use to paint a picture of motherhood today.
The question I posed in a few places on social media was this:
“What makes being a mom in 2019 so hard?”
I got so many responses, and thank you SO MUCH if you were one of those people. I took the time to read and reread all your answers. While going through them I definitely noticed some strong themes. I tried to touch on most of them in the episode but there was seriously enough to talk for hours on.
If you are a mother yourself I know you will resonate with this list of challenges. If your kids are young or old, if you are a mother or a father, grandparent, or parent to be, you will gain lots of insight into the inner world of a mom, and some ways you can help to support yourself and others.
It’s not all doom and gloom!
Although Mom Life is never going to be easy, we offer you 6 different things you can do to make it a little bit easier (that you may not have thought of!)
Enjoy the episode and Happy Mother’s Day to all our listeners, young and wise 😉
– Dr. Marie
Stuff From This Episode
The 6 Pillars of Self Esteem By Nathaniel Branden
Sentence Completion Exercise By Nathaniel Branden
Daring Greatly By Brene Brown
The Gifts Of Imperfection By Brene Brown
The Work of Byron Katie